Friday, January 2, 2015

The Human Soul Is Resilient

You know, you go through life dodging all kinds of bullets:  emotional, mental, physical and spiritual ones; with immense ease and one day the wiring so delicately constructed in the brain, well something tends to just snap. I do not mean break but kind of . . . loosen a bit. 

If you happen to notice this occur, that is a good thing. You can keep yourself in check. It does not seem to lessen that weight you feel on your back like the Great Wall of China, every damn brick, bringing you down into the dirt until you are on your knees, praying, to Gods you never met.

Some days you just punch through the clouds man, I mean nothing can stop you. Truly horrible things can occur and you deal with life with skill, like a pro, because you are a pro.

The days when every fiber inside of you is taut as a guitar string, those are the days you have to watch out for.

It makes me wonder what causes one to truly lose it.

Some turn to God, some to alcohol, drugs, sex, some people retreat further into themselves or project their entire lives onto others. 

A lot of people jump from person to person thinking that is going to make them better but in reality, it makes things worse. I mean you have to love you and no matter what horrid issue you are dealing with, it is temporary, it will pass.

The human soul is resilient.

I think back in my life when severely tragic things occurred, you know, life shattering moments when all the blood drained from my body and the bones in my skull just blew right apart from the sheer impact of the crash and burn.

It is in these memories I find solace. Somehow I got through the worst times in my life. 

I mean, the past doesn't make the present any easier to deal with but it helps me to remember that I am strong, I am a survivor and nothing, I mean nothing . . . 


Not for good.

It is in times such as these, I think about the sun . . .

Gallagher Beach, Buffalo, NY 
© Susan Marie

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Thousand Words [Urban Blues Remix] Susan Marie & Nikki Richards

This is a remix of my spokenword and the passionate guitar of Nikki Richards in New York City. He was kind enough to collaborate with me, adding music to my words. 

i can write
one million poems
the sweet breath
of breeze
like peaches in summertime
how they cool your brow and palette
on a day
that is sweltering,

or how the speech
of our forefathers
can never suffice
to explain the thoughts
that explode inside my brain
like atoms, splitting
supernovas in space
constellations ablaze
neurons sounding
and resounding
across synapses
like trapeze artists
on tripwires

and i can write
of the speech of animals
foreign to the human sense of sound
and how only they comprehend,
what they say
to one another

and i can even write of God and the heavens
the beauty of the skies at dawn and sunset
colors yet undiscovered
for us all,

i can write of it all
a thousand words
describing everything

yet not one word
or poem
can ever compare
to the softness of your gaze
like the canvas of the morning tide
or your silent roar
not unlike that of the mighty lion
or precisely how your spirit connects
to my very own

i can write of it all
mere words
i can write
one million poems

and not one can ever truly describe


but i can try


Please check out Nikki's work here:

© Words by Susan Marie 
© Music by Nikki Richards 



when i was a child
my sisters used to tell me tales
of princes and kings
and dragons slain

of gold and silver
and queens and crowns
of fairies and forests
and elves and trees
and of mystical kingdoms
and glories of conquests
and of love found and lost
and gained

and of pain and heartbreak
dark hearts of madness
evil men and women
that shook their angry fists
at the coming of a pure dawn
and raged
against the deep velvet coat of night



and my eyelashes used to flutter
like the wings of birds in flight
resting, finally
in eternal silence
like the princesses in the tales told

awaiting a kiss of a lover
awaiting her throne
awaiting her death
awaiting her birth
awaiting the day
when she
will truly
be free
from eternal 





for whom?


for what?



the answer eluded me then
as words waltzed crescendos
across my subconscious self
curling like smoke rings
holding hands with each other
letters forming words
creating sentences
one day to be recalled
and written

Oh, such sweet innocence!

like the first snowfall
in slow motion freeze frame
landing upon the grass, still green
Autumn barely gone
and all the little children
standing outside
mouths wide open
chins tilted towards the sky
catching snowflakes
in awe
of the wonder and divinity
of Mother Nature


like the chalk lines freshly sketched
around your body
lying face down
in a pool of my


lying tattered and torn

like confetti

on New Year’s Eve. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

25 Things I Have Learned

On Thought Catalog HERE 

Every moment I do my best to learn from every experience. Human beings tend to focus only on positive experiences. Negative experiences eventually become positive if one is paying attention. 

At the close of every year, I ask myself: 

What have I learned? 

1. That all of us are valuable parts of one race, the human one, and all of us have numerous purposes. Some yet to be discovered. Do not discount your own being. None of us are greater than another. 

2. That an immense ever growing desire to learn about everything is a rare and beautiful way to be. Do not ever allow anyone to cause you to lose your wonder. 

3. Not everyone will understand your struggle, outlook, opinions, beliefs and especially, your heart. That is okay. Stay by those who do. Learn from those who do not. 

4. Move on when any experience discounts the importance of your own existence. 

5. Before you move on, grieve, heal, grow and positively teach others through your actions. 

6. Love is wondrous. It exists. Do not ever be afraid to show others that you care for them, and that you love. The world needs more of this. 

7. Love yourself. We are only human. We are supposed to make mistakes. We are not perfect, we were not created to be omniscient. This is what being human is all about. Bliss, pain, progression, repeat.

8. If you want to create, then do it. What are you waiting for? You have the ability to do whatever you want. There is no time stamp on creation. 

9. All. Art. Heals.  

10. Nature is a peacekeeper. Let us be more kind to her. 

11. Be responsible for your behaviors, words, and actions. Blaming others is projection and denial. Causing pain to others because you have refused to deal with past hurt causes more pain. Say sorry. It need not matter if one says it back. You did your part. Move on. 

12. Be mindful of how you communicate. Words. Hurt. Be kind to yourself and to others.

13. Run through the sprinklers in Summer, make snow angels in Winter, lay beneath the trees in Autumn and get out in the sunshine at the first sign of Spring. 
Nature = instant healing. 

14. We get one chance to do something lasting while on Earth. Whatever you do, make it count. 

15. Cease obsessing about how you look, what you did or did not do, thinking about the past, blaming yourself for things you had no control over and most essential, remember that you cannot control everything. Do what causes you to heal and let it go. There are amazing people waiting for you out there! 

16. Hug those you care about. Tell them you care. Show them you care. Recognizing another human soul is crucial for progression on both ends. Bring more happiness into the world and to yourself. 

17. Some people will never move past their own hurt. If you are unable to make a positive impression, move on. You tried. It is up to them now. 

18. You are not a doormat.  
Say it! --> I am not a doormat.

19. If you are in need of help, get it. Cease being ashamed of being human. We have all screwed up. So what? If you never screw up, you never learn lessons. The important thing is to keep going. 

20. Tell your children you love them. Hug them. Give them confidence. Motivate them. Teach them how to be responsible, active parts of all society. Teach them what you know. Show them through your experience. You were given this role because you were chosen as a guide to another human soul. Your job is to help them be the best version of themselves possible. Be grateful for your family. Make sure they are aware of this. Some people have no one.

21. Put down your technology and get out into nature. Trust me, it matters. A lot. 

22. Learn about different languages, cultures, faiths. We have such a wondrous world.  

23. It is okay to disagree with anything that does not suit you. It is not okay to attack others for not agreeing with what suits only you. 

24. It is NORMAL to have a wide range of human emotions.

25. Wherever you are, remember, if you did your best with what you have, that is all that matters. Keep doing better.

I leave you with this. 

Why do I leave you with this short video? 

See for yourself.

