Joanna Mosca, multi-genre artist, with three acclaimed one woman shows in New York City under her belt, is in the final stages of introducing to the world her first independent unreleased CD, yet to be titled, in fall 2009. Joanna has collaborated with Jay Levine and Grammy award winning producers Tyrone Corbett and Robert Donsella.
Nashville, The Grand Ole Opry and the top ten adult contemporary hits on The Friday Morning Quarterback Album Report are several of her merits. Joanna embraces music wholeheartedly, similar to when she were studying to be an actress with Anthony Hopkins and Uta Hagen in Greenwich Village at HB Studios.
Her autobiographical track, "Just Keep Going", resonates with the world today: difficult economic times coupled with Joanna's own life experience. The song begins with subtle guitar combined with inviting vocals, "Am I followin' the path I am supposed to follow?" The chorus rises with: "I will light the pathway / when its too dark to see / I will flow with the river / if it feels good for me / I will climb the mountain / thats in front of me / when I'm on my own / when I'm all alone / I keep on going . . ." This is an anthem of faith and dedication to self.
"A Good Distraction", neo country melded with pop and jazz, intros with a mean guitar. This was written during Joanna's experience during the inauguration. An acquaintance's comment about a passerby compelled Joanna to run with that line, producing this playful tune about everyone needing a good distraction.
"The Little Things", is pristine, delicate piano leading Joanna into: "Everything he does is like a movie made for me / on the big screen" This is where diversity shines with slide, piano, vocal range, and lyrics. She is paying homage to the things in life we often over look. The little things in life that truly matter.
Joanna Mosca is versatile. She manages to incorporate all of her creativity into this new album. Joanna is involved with "I Have A Dream", "The Million Mom March", and "Child Reach." She speaks of giving back: "Most artists wait 'till they're rich and famous before giving back and contributing to charitable causes." Joanna Mosca is exactly what this world needs: positive musical influence.
Check out Joanna's website where you connect on my space and face book, as well as watch her video at NYC's "The Sugar Bar." Sign up to her mail list to get the news on the release of her first independent CD.
A one hour in depth interview with Joanna is on Think Twice Radio, with "A Good Distraction."
Joanna Mosca is honest about herself and the world around her. It is apparent in her music and her energy. This release is rock solid proof of Joanna's persistence, dedication, and years of experience. Her goal is nothing less than to "Just Keep Going."
New York USA