Tuesday, October 25, 2016

You Are Not Broken [Radio with Women For One]


This is an astounding interview with Cara Bradley so please listen and enjoy and thank you to everyone at Women For One for orchestrating this.

Spoken-word poet and broadcast journalist Susan Marie shares with Cara Bradley how she connects with others through positivity and authenticity in our most recent Real Women, Courageous Wisdom podcast.

Listen here --> You Are Not Broken

Here’s what we spoke about: 

6:45 The power of metaphor
9:20 Why we aren’t supposed to be perfect
11:25 You are not broken
13:00 What are you doing for yourself?
16:40 The art of spoken word
19:15 What it means to stop caring what people think of you
23:05 Susan’s eulogy


Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Shamanic Journey

I have taken numerous loving, guided shamanic journeys, recently a most dear journey via the Well of Light. I released past trauma, recognized my ancestry, the light and dark within self and universe. Your experience will be different than my own. 

This journey is available for free online --> HERE

We all want to live a meaningful and purposeful life, but we get stuck in sabotaging patterns from our past. To overcome these patterns and fully express our authentic gifts, strengths and talents, we must connect with our ancient cellular memory to create new physical, emotional and mental patterns. 

Our dear friend Michael Stone is launching a new 7-week Live Online Course to help you shift your mind, body and emotions to be in harmony with nature and the limitless potential of the universe.  

It’s called -->  Embodied Shamanism: Shapeshifting Into Living a Life You Love
uring the journey of this 7-week course, you will: 

  • Become the author of your own life rather than being a victim of your history 
  •  Transform doubts and limiting beliefs into portals of healing for self and others  
  • Learn to live a complaint free life and embrace the miracle of being alive 
  • Turn problems, limits and barriers into opportunities for transformation 
  • Embody the intelligence of nature and tap into our ancestral wisdom bank 
  • Utilize the sacred power of direct revelation to tap into the limitless potential of the universe

This highly-interactive course is based on the deep work that Michael has been engaged with for the past 40+ years and includes 7 powerful live course sessions, weekly course materials, live Q&A sessions, pre-recorded and musically mixed guided meditation / journey recordings, a private, custom course website and a private, interactive Facebook page where you can work with your community of support.

I suggest taking part in order to progress and meet some of the most beautiful souls creating a better existence for us all through essential work such as facing self, the environment in which need to thrive and survive, and acknowledging our own ancestries and traditions. These are simple, everyday things anyone can do in order to bring more peace to this world, especially to self.

Please find out more on the -->  Course Information Page

Monday, October 3, 2016

Thunder, Lightning, Rain [wait for it]

"And I stood there, daring the sky, both feet apart, my arms raised in supplication, mouth wide open, chin upturned, eyes, wild and staring, as thrushes flew, on fire and volcanic, from the very depths of my abdomen, and I let out a most inhuman growl, my entire spirit, cleansed, by tears of the most holy angels."

- Susan Marie

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This Is How We Are Blessed

 © Susan Marie

Selfless and passionate
birds cry, melodic.

Rivers and lakes
streams and oceans,
the great majestic seas
roil like thunder,
yet rest our weary souls

This is how we are blessed.

The trunks of trees
bear limbs
reaching down and out
from heavens sweaty brow
holding out hands
made of elm and birch
of oak and fir
thunderous heads of hair
crowns of chakras
all colors
falling, falling as leaves
blanketing grass,
emerald and awake
blinding our senses stupid
as children playing hopscotch
drawing chalk lines
of castles and kings
of princes and queens

and this -
this is how we are blessed.

Listen -

the human heart beats
like tribal drums,
circled by ancestral fires,
drumming and pounding,
treble and bass,
prodding the spirit -
onward towards destiny,
towards fate,
towards the next step -

In this mad world,
this great globe,
this utterly insane
human existence
is beauty.


This is how we are blessed.

Words/Photo © Susan Marie