Monday, January 14, 2013

Kenmore East High School Students Honor Courage of Malala Yousufzai


Western New York

Some Kenmore East High School students completed a portrait of a 14-year-old Pakistan teen seriously wounded by the Taliban for standing up for freedom.

Malala Yousufzai was shot on her school bus this past fall. The Taliban targeted her for being outspoken for rights to educate girls.  WBFO's Eileen Buckley talked to Kenmore East students about their project inspired by Malala's commitment as a freedom fighter.

It's mid-morning inside Kenmore East High School in Tonawanda where students chatted freely as they changed classes.  But on a second floor hallway wall of the school there is a reminder, or perhaps a symbol, of their freedom as American teens.

"I can't believe that she actually had the courage to do that.  And I would really hope that I could, maybe one day, have the opportunity to stand up for what I believe in in such a way," said Theodora Laucau, a freshman art student.  She was one of the 75 students who helped paint the portrait.

Laucau said it was the art teacher, Matthew SaGurney, who encouraged the students to select an inspirational person to portray.

We had to chose someone who was really influential, and Mr. SaGurney introduced this girl -- Malala --  who is someone definitely someone who has made a huge impact on the world this year.  And we all agreed that she was someone who was really making a difference and we thought she should be recognized," said Laucau.

"It was  a really powerful project," said art teacher  Matthew SaGurney.

Each school year he encourages his students to select a power person to create a 9-foot by 9-foot painted portrait. Last year they selected Martin Luther King, Jr.   

"It gives us an opportunity to teach kids about people standing up for what they believe in, and truthfully, we were struggling to find one for this year, and then it was an obvious choice once we thought of her the same age as students and her being in a situation completely different from their own," said SaGurney.

"Well she is our age and it is just unbelievable that she stood up for people our age, but it is in a different country," said Emma Knab, freshman art student.  Knab painted one of the sections closes to Malala's face.

This project has turned into a powerful teaching tool.

"We take for granted the things that we get here, but she didn't get things over there.  We are so protected over here -- like our schools and everything.  I feel very grateful," said Knab.

WBFO News asked Knab what she learned from the art project.

"I learned to not take for granted what I have now.  Like there are people all around the world that have what I don't have," said Knab.

Another freshman art student -- who wanted to be identified only as Noah - painted a few of the squares of the portrait.

"I thought it was really brave of her to go out and just fight for the cause and talk about everything she had to do.  I mean she definitely paid the price for it, but she's still fighting for it," noted Noah.    

Malala has undergone extensive recovery since the October shooting by the Taliban.  She was recently released from a hospital in England, but will return, at some point, for more surgery.

For the Kenmore East art students -- the portrait has sparked conversation at school about this young woman's courageous journey.

"A lot of kids liked the painting.  A lot of kids thought it was very cool  that we did all of this and painted the quotes," said Noah.

"People don't know about other places.  A lot of people here just think about their life.  They don't think about the people over in every country that struggle everyday like she did," said Knab.

 "I really think that kids don't know. They don't know what's going on they just kind of live in this bubble of our culture, and they really don't get to see how other things are and by doing this, we are kind of like popping the bubble and bringing awareness of what's actually going on in the world," said Laucau.

"It's nice to know you can make a difference," said SaGurney.

SaGurney is very proud of his students.

"My kids, this year, are incredibly compassionate, and they are all years, but for some reason, this group has really driven the project.  They are really great kids. I feel privileged," said SaGurney.

Students plan to send the images of the portrait with individual letters and create a YouTube video to Malala to extend their well-wishes and relate how they were affected by her this young Pakistani's woman's powerful story.

"She took a way bigger path then I think anyone here could have.  She's got way more guts then a lot of people," said Noah.

story/photos/audio © Eileen Buckley 2013 

Friday, January 11, 2013

LIVE With Guantanamo Bay : 11 Years Later

First published on CNN 

"On January 11, 2002, the first of nearly 800 prisoners was sent to the US military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. Images of these men shackled, wearing orange boiler suits, goggled and masked shocked the world. Eleven years on, 166 prisoners remain in captivity - all without due process. Join us remembering their stories and continuing the quest for justice against the worlds most notorious prison system."  

On January 10, 2013, Cage Prisoners interviewed six former Guantanamo detainees: Bisher Al-Rawi, Shafiq Rasul, Ruhal Ahmed, Asif Iqbal, Tarek Dergoul, and Omar Deghayes.

Guantanamo Bay [GTMO, Gitmo] detention camp is an interrogation prison set up by the US at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. In 2002, the Bush Administration detained people that the US government determined were connected to allies of Afghanistan and Iraq.

There are three camps: Delta, Iguana, and X-Ray [now closed.]

- Bush Administration decided that the first 20 abducted men were not entitled to protection under the Geneva Conventions.

-2008, 3 children aged 3 to 5 were returned to Afghanistan.

- 2009, President Obama signed an order to halt the Guantanamo military commission for 120 days and to close Gitmo in one year.

- 2010, Col. Wilkerson, former aide to Colin Powell, stated in an affidavit that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, knew most of the men first sent to GTMO were innocent, yet left there for political reasons.

- 2011, Obama signs the Defense Authorization Bill putting restrictions on prisoner transfers, ceasing the closing of GTMO.

- 2012, 167 detainees remain at Guantanamo.

- Since 2002, 8 men died in the camp and 600 have been released.

- There have been 6 suicides and since 2002, 41 suicide attempts.

- It is now 2013.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Looking Out To See Within : 2013

First published:

The News Tribe
Harlem World NYC 
News Trust Baltimore
Help Others.Org

There are simple ways to bring positive into our world, a world strife with negativity. Such things do not cost you money and barely any time. You can accomplish any of these actions face to face, using technology, in your community and most importantly, with your family, your children and yourself.  


"A sympathetic consciousness of others' distress
 together with a desire to alleviate it."

Every human being experiences distress.  Some in extreme states, others, a lesser extent. Distress can range from a change in daily routine to an immense, irreplaceable loss. Regardless of the state of distress, every human being is created with the tools to alleviate distress. When helping another individual, one's own stress diminishes. Joy is produced from choosing to give. When we choose to give, we practice compassion.


"Recognition of the existence or truth of something. An expression of appreciation. A thing done or given in gratitude." 

When asked for help, if able to contribute, then do so.  Help can range from listening intently to another then acknowledging that you are there and you understand.  If you are unable to help according to what is asked of you, explain why. Offer alternatives that suit the situation. No one enjoys being ignored. 

A simple response indicates to another that you care.
  • Thank you 
  • Please
  • Be well
  • Take care
  • I understand
  • I am here
  • You are not alone 


"Something done or performed. An act that one consciously wills. Habitual or usual acts. Energetic activity."  

If you are able to take action, then do so. Think of every single person that took time to listen, respond, do a kind deed for you, send you a card, made a phone call or simply said, "Thanks."  Ask yourself:  Do you take some sort of positive action daily? If not, why?


"The state or quality of being kind. A kind act and behavior. A friendly feeling, liking."  

When did we, the human race, start vehemently attacking and hating one another for being human? Sure, history teaches us that dissent among humans has always occurred, yet today, I view a complete lack of morals, ethics and manners. How do we stop this cycle of negativity? Actions of every single individual is the responsibility and choice of that individual. Placing blame on anyone but yourself for your own actions is simply a form of denial. Think of how you are able to be kind. Right now, to you reading, I thank you for doing so. That is a form of kindness. It took 3 seconds to type that. I mean it too.


"A union or fellowship arising from common interests or responsibilities. A community of feelings and purpose."  

Why is it that we, people, show solidarity only during holidays and tragedy? Why don't we come together as people more often to support one another in the face of adversity? One need not fully agree with one's choice of politics, faith, or lifestyle. Solidarity is taking responsibility for your fellow human being, as well as yourself,  in a quest to better a situation. Every single one of us has seen the face of darkness. Every single one of us has seen the face of light. How nice it is to have at least one hand reach out in support.

As we leave 2012 behind, along with a dramatic decrease of people in all societies caring for the well being of another, attempt looking outward in order to see within. All of us together, regardless of what our governments are doing, regardless of what our faith demands or does not demand, regardless of the way you were brought up, instructed to think or not think, regardless of any external factors that have molded you, this adult reading this right now; practice compassion : the sympathetic consciousness of others' distress with a desire to alleviate it.

We are not perfect. We are not supposed to be. Why then are we trying to be? 



* * * 

Definitions cited:  Merriam-Webster and 
All photos are linked to original source.