Thursday, September 15, 2011

9/11: This Is Nothing New


[This is just a post regarding where the 9/11 article I wrote has been published.]

My phone rang. I was told to turn on the TV. I stared in horror at the screen as a plane flew directly into the 2nd tower of The World Trade Center. I thought: How is this possible in America, let alone New York City, the most populous city in the U.S, the largest metropolitan area in the world?

All I knew is that people were dying.

After 9/11, every available person volunteered to assist NYC ranging from the health care field, firefighters, police force, and everyday people. The attitude in America was one of solidarity. No one fought about religion and politics. Diversity in race, financial status or sexual gender was not an issue. People stood together.  Not apart.

What followed as a result, was and still is, global mass hysteria.

*    *    *

"Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times."  - Machiavelli

1941: Pearl Harbor

  • Pearl Harbor Naval Base was attacked by 353 Japanese fighters in 2 crushing waves. 2,402 men were killed with 1,282 wounded.
  • Pearl Harbor led the U.S. into World War II. The intention behind the attack on Pearl Harbor was for Japan to conquer Southeast Asia without interference.
  • 1942: Japanese Americans and Japanese were brought to camps called "War Relocation Camps."  There were 3 types: Civilian Assembly Centers [temporary], Relocation Centers [internment] and Detention Camps [people of interest to the government.]
  • 1945: The United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan killing 80,000 people under President Truman's Executive Order 9981. To date, this is the only use of nuclear weapons during war.
  • 1988: Congress passed legislation and President Ronald Reagan signed, apologizing for the internment of Japanese on behalf of the U.S. government.

*    *    *

1979: Afghanistan
  • During the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, UK, Pakistan, Israel, Taiwan, Indonesia and China all offered "unofficial" military and/or financial support [Operation Cyclone] to the people in the struggle. The USSR supported the government of Afghanistan against the Afghan people and Arab- Afghan volunteers. Soviet occupation had an opposite effect. It did not pacify the people, it gave them power in strength and number.
  • Foreigners wished to be a part of this global movement including a young Saudi named Osama bin Laden. 
  • 1985: National Security Decision Directive 166: The CIA and ISI pressured Afghan militants to attack government strongholds. The CIA began programs for training militants in techniques such as car bombs, assassinations, and cross border raids into the USSR.  Pakistan's ISI and SSG, U.S. Special Forces and British Air, supported the training. 
  • 1989: The Geneva accords allowed for withdrawal and Soviet troops left Afghanistan. US President Carter stated: the Soviet incursion was "the most serious threat to peace since the Second World War."

*    *    *

Osama bin Laden
  • [wealthy Saudi bin Laden family] believed in the need for fighting for injustices against Muslims by the U.S. and other non-Muslim states, to eliminate the state of Israel and to force the U. S. from the Middle East. What may have began as a resistance movement, turned into a strategy against the USSR and the U.S. to lure them into long wars in Muslim countries. 
  • Osama attracted large numbers of people in the struggle who would never surrender. bin Laden believed this would lead to economic collapse of a nation. bin Laden was a part of Operation Cyclone [where young men were trained by several nations on terrorism] during the Soviet-Afghan War.


  • [The Base] is a global military group initially formed as a resistance movement, that turned into global extremist groups with various disconnected movements. Al-Qaeda's network was built from the bottom up, eventually with bin Laden as Commander and al-Zawahiri as Deputy until Osama's death. The number of well trained militants inside and people supporting the group is unknown.
  • The latter goal of "Al-Qaeda" was to weaken America by involving the nation in too many engagements, collapsing political stability, resulting in economic downfall.
  • 2001: U.S. forces recover a videotape from a house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan with bin Laden speaking to al-Harbi [Saudi Nationalist] admitting to having foreknowledge of the attacks. Al Jazeera broadcast Bin Laden stating, "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation." 
  • 2001: 2nd Bin Laden video released stating: "Terrorism against America deserves to be praised because it was a response to injustice, aimed at forcing America to stop its support for Israel, which kills our people", yet bin Laden never admitted responsibility.
  • 2004: Before U.S. Presidential elections, bin Laden said he had personally directed his followers to attack the World Trade Center. 
  • 2006: Al Jazeera shows bin Laden making preparations for the attacks.

*    *    *

Pre 9/11 
  • 6 WTC housed the U.S. Customs Service and Commodities Exchange. Beneath was the NYC mass transit subway system and Port Authority. The Two Towers were in the heart of NYC's financial district.
  • The North Tower was designed for housing telecommunications: all NYC television and radio broadcasters.
  • The 7 structures of the WTC consisted of: The State of NY, financial firms of Wall Street, Morgan Stanley, Aon Corporation, Salomon Brothers, Cantor Fitzgerald, and the Port Authority.
  • Underneath the WTC, one of the world's largest gold depositories was stored, owned by commercial banks.
  • The Port Authority leased the WTC to a private entity, Silverstein [$3.22 billion] that added the WTC to the city's tax rolls and private funds for Port Authority projects. 

*    *    *

September 11, 2001
  • Two American Airlines 767 jets crashed into the Twin Towers of The World Trade Center in New York City. The South Tower burned for almost an hour, collapsing, followed by the North Tower.
  • American Airlines Flight 77 flew into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.
  • American Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The supposed target: The Capitol or The White House. 
  • 1,344 people were trapped. 700 people were killed instantly.
  • People made their way toward the roof but the doors were locked.
  • 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths.
  • 411 emergency workers died as they rescued people.
  • All the deaths were civilians, except for 55 military personnel at the Pentagon.
  • The medical examiner's office collected 10,000 unidentified bone and tissue fragments that can't be matched. 1,122 of the victims remained unidentified.
  • The death toll was estimated over 6,000.

*    *    *

Post 9/11
  • President Bush's approval rating soared to 90% before 2002 elections and the U.S government began the "Global War on Terror" targeting the government named culprit, "Al-Qaeda."
  • Hate crimes against Muslims and Southeast Asians ensued: verbal abuse, attacks on mosques, religious buildings [including Hindu temples], assaults on people, and in some instances, murder.  Anyone perceived to be "Middle Eastern" were victims.
  • One month after the attacks, the U.S led a coalition of "international forces" to attempt to remove the Taliban for training [see Operation Cyclone] of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
  • Pakistani authorities provided the U.S. with access to military bases, arresting and handing the U.S. over 600 "suspected" Al-Qaeda members.  

*    *    *
Guantanamo and Bagram
  • The U.S. set up "Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp" to hold inmates they defined as "illegal enemy combatants" currently holding 172 prisoners in Cuba.
  • 2600 men are still being held indefinitely in Afghanistan at Bagram Air Base.
  • During the Bush Administration, Bagram prison held up to 650 prisoners. Since the Obama Administration, the number has doubled.
  • The Dept. of Homeland Security was formed. Congress passed "The Patriot Act" that allows law enforcement to invade the privacy of its citizens.

*    *    *

 The U.S. never formally indicted bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks.

Bin Laden was killed by American forces in Abbotabad, Pakistan.

In the end, tens of thousands of people were killed.

To think critically, one must study history, politics, culture, tradition, and socio-economic structures of nations. There are no absolutes, the only truth apparent regarding 9/11, is that many nations had roles in all events preceding and post 9/11. None of these events were in the interests of the citizens of each nation.

We must attempt, in the very least, to discern the reasons behind each action. We must stop judging one another based upon the actions of our governments. We must think rationally in order to understand what has, is and will occur in our world.

*    *    *

"Terrorism has no face, no race, no religion, no culture nor nation." 

- Susan Marie

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© Susan Marie
September 9, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wake Up World: My dream for humanity [I Need YOU]

"Like" on the website
Share my idea
Discuss and comment on this initiative
It's for humanity.
CLICK ON:  Wake+Up+World

Let's Change the World!


Susan Marie

Friday, September 2, 2011

UN: OHCHR: Internet As Mainstream Media: Freedom of Expression

September 2011

More than two decades on, the Committee seeks to give practical application to freedom of opinion and expression in the radically altered media landscape which has the internet and mobile communications centre-stage.

Today’s hand-held communication technologies have revolutionized  the media © EPA/Everett Kennedy Brown

Describing “a global network to exchange ideas and opinions that does not necessarily rely on the traditional mass media”, the Committee says “States parties should take all necessary steps to foster the independence of these new media and to ensure access.”

Any restrictions that might be applied to websites, blogs or any other internet-based networks or support systems should be limited, the Committee says, to content only and should not be applied to entire sites and systems.

In the context of permissible restrictions generally, the Committee recommends extreme caution and provides many examples of situations where the urge to restrict freedom of expression should be resisted.  There are no circumstances which justify limiting freedom of opinion, the Committee notes in its revised General Comment.

Lawmakers, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, human rights defenders, journalists and others will turn to the General Comment for guidance on the scope and practical applications of the rights to freedom of opinion and expression.    

In the  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which sets out the right to freedom of expression, only two situations are described which justify its limitation: respect of the rights or reputations of others and protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals. The Covenant also prohibits advocacy of religious hatred.

The Committee notes that the Convention places a particularly high value on uninhibited debate concerning political figures and public institutions.  Laws which prohibit or restrict criticism of important people and institutions are cause for concern the Committee says.  

“The mere fact that forms of expression are considered to be insulting to a public figure is not sufficient to justify the imposition of penalties… all public figures, including those exercising the highest political authority such as heads of state and government, are legitimately subject to criticism and political opposition.”  The same should apply to institutions such as the army.

Committee member, Michael O’Flaherty says, “The main point of the general comment and of the Committee adopting it is that freedom of expression is at the heart of the entire human rights system.”

“That means,” he says, “we have to put up with a lot of speech that we don’t like."

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Obstructing Business: South Koreans on the March

I was in Seoul, South Korea this month at the invitation of the wonderful EBS TV Documentary Festival, and was truly, happily surprised to see a resurgence of activism among ordinary Koreans. 

Don't get me wrong. Since its founding, Korea has had a tradition of fierce, die-hard activism (which Koreans themselves may attribute to a diet high in garlic and red pepper, as well as their commitment to social justice), but this ferocity seemed to have gone dormant in the mid-nineties. I was overjoyed to find that this was no longer the case.

While in Korea, I had the opportunity to slip away to Jeju-do for a few days. It had been 20 years since the last time I had visited the island, when I had gone for vacation like most visitors to Jeju-do. An idyllic, sub-tropical climate and a UNESCO heritage site status have made Jeju-do an extremely popular tourist and honeymoon destination, while the remoteness of the island from mainland Korea has bred a unique and independent culture.

In 2005, Jeju-do was dubbed "Island of World Peace" by then Korean president Roh Moo-hyun. This was perhaps in an effort to scrub itself clean of a bloody past, as Jeju-do is the site of one of the most disturbing and grisly episodes leading up to the Korean War

Under the leadership of American puppet Syngman Rhee, right-wing paramilitary forces from the mainland waged a brutal campaign against a "communist" uprising which, at the most conservative estimates, killed 30,000 people (one-tenth of the population of the island) and displaced countless others. This memory of the April 3, 1948 massacre is still vivid in the minds of Jeju-do villagers, who are once again mobilizing against repression.

One might also see this designation of "peace island" as a hopeful talisman against further abuse, but for several years the South Korean government, at American urging, has been relentless in its attempts to build a naval base on Jeju-do, and now have their sights set on the tranquil coastal village of Gangjeong.

Members from the international community, including Japanese people from Okinawa Island (where the U.S. has military bases) join locals in Jeju Island to protest against the construction of a U.S. naval base.

While offering several reasons for building the base -- to protect commercial interests, to serve as yet another defense against a belligerent North Korea -- most of the islanders understand that the base at Gangjeong will offer little protection against a possible attack by North Korea, functioning mostly as a proxy for American missile defense against an ascendant China. 

In other words, American militaristic posturing at a grievous cost to the local ecology -- an unwelcome combination to the island, and to a region that has suffered enough war in the 20th century.

The Jeju-do I visited this time around was radically different from my previous experience. In addition to water sports and walks along the shoreline, the people there were engaged in some less likely activities for a paradise island, like chaining themselves to construction equipment, tethering their bodies to each other and to the site of the proposed naval base. 

I also attended the celebratory release of Sung Hee Choi, an artist who was being released from jail after three months and remains on probation. Her crime, like so many others protesting the base, was "obstructing business" -- in Choi's case, standing in front of oncoming cement trucks. 

Choi was in good company, as people from all sectors of the community, including the mayor of Gangjeong, have also been brutalized and imprisoned by police forces. Upon my arrival, I have learned that an additional 600 riot police, including water cannons and riot buses had been imported from the mainland in anticipation of larger protests, leaving the community on edge.

Korean activists prepare to chain themselves to construction equipment, tethering their bodies to each other and to the site of the proposed U.S. naval base.

Back on the mainland, things are equally restless. As the economy lags, and the government of South Korea moves increasingly to the right, labor has suffered greatly. Enter Jin-suk Kim and her "aerial protest."

In the southern coastal city of Pusan, a woman named Jin-suk Kim has been confining herself in a high-rise crane for nearly eight months. Kim is a member of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), and has been up in crane no. 85 in the Yeongdo shipyard since January 6, in protest of severe layoffs by the Hanjin corporation (HHIC).

Incidentally, crane no. 85 was the site of another protest eight years ago -- but rather than a prolonged sit-in inside the crane, the protestor in question preferred to string a noose and hang himself from it.

Although initially flying solo in her aerial protest, Kim is not alone. Caravans of "Hope Buses" carrying thousands of supporters have been visiting the crane area to offer their support. Like the protests on Jeju-do, this has not been without obstacles -- one caravan was met with batons, tear gas, and water cannons as they tried to push the police line. 

The founder of the Hope Bus campaign, a poet named Kyung-dong Song, himself stands a vigil of sorts in the KCTU trade union offices in Seoul. If he leaves KCTU safe haven, he will be immediately arrested by the police hovering around the building day and night, waiting for that opportunity. 

This is the price Mr. Song will pay for successfully "obstructing business" and organizing large demonstrations without a government permit. Again, just this past weekend in Seoul, hundreds of miles from the no. 85 crane in Pusan, 9,000 police have been deployed to disrupt around 2,500 "Hope Bus" protestors demonstrating against the Hanjin layoffs with water cannons and other means of force.

Hanjin is hardly the only corporation being targeted by this resurgent labor movement. The ordinary citizens who protest the naval base on Jeju are also protesting Samsung, a chaebol (family-run mega-corporation), which has offered obscene bonuses to upper management while laying off thousands of workers, and which stands to profit from the construction of the base in Gangjeong.

And here we find a lovely coalescence, as these protestors are not "labor," strictly speaking. Many of the activists I met in Korea told me how inspired they have been by the Arab Spring protests, and of their hope for a similar "Asian Spring" in South Korea and elsewhere to fight against corporate greed and militarism. 

Accordingly, the Hope Bus campaign found support not only from labor, but from the disabled, sexual minorities, religious figures, and other groups, all of whom stand unequivocally opposed to the immoral practices of the chaebol culture. 

And it is not only Koreans getting involved. Renowned American feminist Gloria Steinem has offered her voice in support of the protestors on Jeju-do, and prominent anti-war activists from the west have arrived on the island to join in the opposition. Figures like Noam Chomsky are coming out in support of Jin-suk Kim and the Hope Buses.

What I saw in Korea was a beautiful thing, true solidarity among people of different interests and nationalities, thousands of people, ordinary people, who have found that when they speak as one, it is impossible not to hear them.

Exclusive cartoon by Brazilian artist Carlos Latuff, hero cartoonist of FREE PALESTINE cause. Here he extends support to Jeju Island villagers who protest against the construction of the U.S. naval base. cartoon translation: shark's teeth IMPERIALISM bites green Unesco site JEJU ISLAND ... but locals resist!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

International Day of Missing Persons: Amina Masood: The UN

The United Nations marked today [Eid] as the International Day of the victims of enforced disappearance. 2011 is sorrowful for Families of Missing Persons of Pakistan as International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance and Eid fall on consecutive days.

For some, it's the 1st without a family member, for others, the 5th and some, the 10th.

"Enforced Disappearance” is a legal term of international law. It denotes a disappeared or missing person who has been kidnapped and detained illegally by state run institutions, placing them outside the protection of law; the very institutions which are created and constituted to prevent citizens from all atrocities including kidnapping.

It is akin to being robbed by your own watchman.

The perpetrators of this crime not only kidnap people, but harass their families to the point that most of them don’t dare launch a complaint.

More than 1200 families have contacted and registered their cases with Defence of Human Rights. Due to hurdles and lack of enough funds, Defence of Human Rights is representing only 322 cases in Supreme Court. 

Punjab has 174 cases, KPK 96, Balochistan 19, Sindh 25, Azad Jammu Kashmir 7, and Islamabad Capital Territory with 11 cases.

The United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances asserts:

“Unfortunately, enforced disappearances continue to be used by some States as a tool to deal with situations of conflict or internal unrest. We have also witnessed the use of the so-called ‘short term disappearances,’ where victims are placed in secret detention or unknown locations, outside the protection of the law, before being released weeks or months later, sometimes after having been tortured and without having been brought in front of a judge or other civil authority.

This very worrisome practice, whether it is used to counter terrorism, to fight organized crime or suppress legitimate civil strife demanding democracy, freedom of expression or religion, should be considered as an enforced disappearance and as such adequately investigated, prosecuted and punished.”

On this day, Defence of Human Rights Pakistan needs to draw your attention to thousands of Pakistani families aggrieved for years whose loved ones [brothers, sisters, Fathers, Mothers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters and small children] have been abducted by local and foreign agencies.

Our intention as voice of Missing Persons and their familes are acording to international law, keeping anyone "missing" is illegal.

United Nations convention decalred this as a "crime against humanity."

When a loved one is kept in secret confinement without any contact with or for their family, often for years, it is the worst torture on Earth.

Defence of Human Rights enjoys a unique status in the fight against Enforced Disappearance as an organization created and run by the victim's families. We have been making efforts, and struggling day and night for years to trace our loved ones.

The sufferings and agonies involved in illegal abductions are enormous and must be dealt as priority.

Defence of Human Rights is supported by all factions of the society. The only faction unmoved is the Government of Pakistan.

The need to intensify pressure on the Government of Pakistan demands: 

88 countries have already signed it. We also demand to stop all brutal, inhumane treatments and tortures in jails and secret detentions.

We please to raise this issue in parliament and take measure to ratify the UN's : International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance"  and to legislate proper laws to end this shameful practice.  

We demand that Enforced Disappeared and their families be given rehabilitation, compensation and all the medical and psychological treatment required, provided by the government.

On this occasion, we thank civil society, the lawyer’s community, political parties, groups of civil society, and students for sharing our grief and taking part in our struggle.

We also thank international human right’s associations
for their extraordinary support: 

Amina Masood Janjua, Chairperson, DHRPK
(Campaign for the Release of Missing Persons in Pakistan)
3rd floor Majeed Plaza, Bank Road Rawalpindi Cantt

Sunday, August 28, 2011

100 Thousand Poets For Change: A Global Movement

500 Events – 400 cities – 95 countries

What kind of CHANGE are we talking about?

  • To create, perform, educate and demonstrate, simultaneously.
  • Global solidarity.
  • Political/social change.
  • Transformation towards a more sustainable world.
  • To move forward and stop moving backwards.

Global events HERE
Global Posters HERE

Do you want to join your voice across the planet in a demonstration/celebration of poetry to promote effective social, environmental, and political change? 

100 THOUSAND POETS FOR CHANGE is a global event on September 24, 2011

To participate or organize your own event, sign up on Facebook or contact 100 Thousand Poets for Change at

Don't just say: Be a part of the change. 
Get out there and BE the change.  

Organized by:

Michael Rothenberg: 

Terri Carrion: 
Associate Editor, Visual Designer Big Bridge Press and zine

Susan Marie 

Write, Speak, Create, Peace. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Educate Pakistan!

The Youth of Pakistan are focusing on what is most needed in Pakistan, as a whole. Please watch the video below, share it and become a part of the solution.

On Sunday, August 28 · 8:00pm - 9:30pm, PYA Canada will hold an Iftaar Fundraiser Dinner to Help Educate Pakistan!

Iftaar is an evening meal when Muslims break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Iftaar is often done as community, with people gathering to break their fast together. This month is about giving [the wealthy] and receiving [those in need.]

To become a part of the event, you can view the details HERE. Donate, share and educate yourself while educating others.

To view photos on recent work in schools damaged by 2010 floods in Pakistan, which this event supports, see below:  

Floods affected schools renovation drive


School Renovation # 2 & 3 [Delivery 40th]


Flood Relief & Rehab Delivery # 41


To attend, purchase ticket online by clicking on the "paypal" button HERE

Email your name to to make sure it were received and your ticket is reserved. If you cannot make it to dinner and wish to contribute,  please use paypal link above. 


For more info:

For tickets:

  • Sana Khan (403) 619-4666
    Ayesha Nasir (403) 975-3872
    Asim Irfan (403) 835-1379
    Haris Basharat (403) 615-3677


Help us Educate Pakistan!

PARTICIPANTS: Arif Khan, Asad Tirmizi, Asim Mubashir, Fatima Fasih, Incia Khalid Qureshi, Pakeezah Malik, Romesa Khalid Qureshi and Maryam Noor Malik

PHOTO CREDITS: "ART FOR CHANGE" 2010 Artists: Ahmed Rammay, FurSid, M . Omair, Mariya Abdul Ghafoor, Mashooque Ali, Misha Tanveer, Rizwan Ahmed Qureshi, Sahar Azeemi, Sana Makhdoom and Shk. Shakeel Ahsan, "PHOTOGRAPHY FOR CHANGE" 2010 Artists"
Nabeel Ahmed and Obaid

VOICE-OVER:  Susan Marie

MUSIC: "Heartbreaking" - Kevin MacLeod

SONG: "Main tou daikonga" - Strings Band




Monday, August 22, 2011

Tunisia Sparks Arab Spring: Headmasters Forced to Resign

As of Sept. 28, all headmasters have now had no choice but to resign. 

Tunisia Sparks Arab Spring: 
Headmasters Forced to Resign 

After the Tunisian revolution, the Tunisian people began to dream after 23 years on a large scale. Opportunities to earn a decent salary was a main issue that sparked the Tunisian Revolution.

Shortly after the revolution, the people of Tunisia had yet to struggle. Accusations in different sectors became a problem. I am writing this article, as a Tunisian, to educate the world on an problem that media has yet to report.

My name is Hind Houas, I am the daughter of a hardworking Tunisian. My Father has taught his entire life so Tunisians can enjoy freedom and education. 

Currently, my Father is subject to resigning from his career as Headmaster. 

My Father, as well as all of the headmasters of Tunisia, have kept education in order, even under the strict dictatorship of Ben Ali. In the most unstable conditions during the Revolt, the Headmasters made sure education was key.

My Father informed me of his decision to resign from his job and it did not surprise me. He made a life changing decision based upon his ethics, morals, character and 17 years experience in the field of education as Headmaster in various parts of Tunisia. 

My Father loves his career. His decision was based upon the actions of the current Minister of Education [Minister Bakouche] who declared that ALL Headmasters must give up their current positions to new and younger educators, as well as sit for an exam in order to prove they were as worthy as the new and younger educators to teach in Tunisia. 

This announcement was a horrible shock to Headmasters. The Minister of Education previously asked for a meeting with the Headmaster’s Representatives and assured them that there will be no change. Headmasters have spent their lives serving their country. 

This unilateral decision taken by the Minister, without any discussion with the people involved, was wrong and likened to the previous government Tunisia so boldly revolted. This decision affects not only the careers of the educators, the education of Tunisia, but the families where a Headmaster is the sole provider. 

This is humiliating to Headmasters and caused them all to protest against this decision. The Tunisian media, or any media, did not report a single story about this grave situation. The Headmasters were not asked to speak. People of Tunisia were deprived of their jobs due to one decision made by the Ministry.

I thought of the repercussions of this rash and insensible decision: 

  • Father, Son or Mother left without a job, explanation or solution.
  • The affect on each family
  • How will the families survive?
  • Where will they live?
  • How will they pay for their children's expenses?

For my Father and other headmasters with whom I spoke, it is not a question of money, it is a question of dignity. All of them worked hard to get their jobs and maintain them. Years to make sure their schools are run no less than excellent.

My Father used to wake early with all Headmasters for the Tunisian Nation Exam [Baccalaureate Exam] to make sure the conditions were good for the students that sat for such exams. 

I have witnessed Headmasters be sworn at by angry students simply for caring for the well being of their students, the priority of any educator. 

What I am unable to comprehend is that legally, The Department of Ministry REWARDED Headmasters by depriving them of their career, placing them in a humiliating situation, and stripping them of their pride and dignity. This has not only occurred with my own Father, it has affected all headmasters of Tunisia and their families.

This is a grave abomination of human rights. specifically Workers Rights.

Headmasters have no one to speak for them, to help them defend their rights, and to defend their right to work. Most Headmasters live in houses inside the school provided by the school. What is going to happen to their families? Where are they going to live? One rash decision affects massive groups of people.

The Tunisian Media is turning their backs on this issue and Minister Bakouche is a temporary government minister until the first elections, Fall of 2011. 

You may be wondering why I chose to write of this. The answer is simple. I have experienced the fear and anxiety of knowing that your Father is about to lose his job for no rational reason, and is being deprived of a basic right guaranteed to all. I am also concerned about my beloved Tunisia.

After the revolt, the first thing the Ministry does is take away jobs and mix education with politics to reach a goal that does not include the people of Tunisia.  

My people, great and strong Tunisian people, sparked a worldwide event. Tunisians were the people that began The Arab Spring. I see people paying for mistakes they haven’t made.  That is the reason why I am making this world wide appeal.

We need help. We need the Tunisian government to cease being unfair to Tunisian Headmasters and find a solution. When the headmasters gathered in front of the Higher Education Municipality to protest civilly for days, no one was there to listen to them.

I dedicate this article to All Tunisia`s Headmasters from Bizerte to Ben Guirdan to tell them that even though the government does not  care, I do, as do the people of Tunisia. 

A human being deserves better treatment, deserves the right to freedom of expression and the right to work. 

I were raised by my Father to never accept humiliation or accept to be treated in an unfair and disrespectful manner. 

I am thankful to each and every one of you.
Hind speaks of the Tunisian Revolt that sparked the Arab Spring, Jan. 2011: 

© Hind Houas
Tatouine, Tunisia 2011 

For press/radio/media inquiry ONLY: