Spoken Word Poet, Writer, Author, Broadcast Journalist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Buffalo Musicians Host 25 Hour Food Bank Event
Everyone faces tough challenges today, yet there is hope with the formation of a growing alliance hosted by student graduates of ‘Music in Action’ (an educational program sponsored by the local nonprofit, Music is Art), mentored by members of the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame, and Bob James, Director of Student Voices (a state-certified student leadership trainer).
ANYONE can join the “alliance” to support the event. All you need to do is promise to help spread the word and bring food to get your organization’s link on the website.
"A main message in Music in Action’s training is – ‘If you want to distinguish yourself from the crowd, just do what you say you will do. Keep the promises you make’", said James. "President Obama addressed the nation in the same manner speaking of grassroots community based service projects." Bob James, veteran of local groups such as The Restless, The Rain, Third Floor Strangers, Big Happy Family, and Ministers of Love, has used music to reach people in creative ways. His past projects include: This Is It – Greater Buffalo's Greatest 1977-1984 compilation CD's, War Is Over – musicians united for safe schools, Buffalo Classic Rock CD benefit for Music is Art, and Music In Action - a school based business curriculum co-authored with Robby Takac (Goo Goo Dolls & Music is Art).
Bob James went on to say that several Music In Action students have stayed connected to us since graduation, wanting more support and direction – like continuing education. “Students get inspired by our training module on ‘music activism’ and when I saw a recent news story on how the Food Bank is getting more calls these days, it all just clicked – ‘tunes4food’”, James continued. “And since I have been helping the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame develop an after-school program, their participation seemed a natural fit, knowing that veteran musicians would add decades of career skills and wisdom about activism – going back to the 1960’s.”
“We are overwhelmed by this generous offer to create a 25-hour awareness of hunger in our community through a live continuous music concert." said Marylou Borowiak, President and CEO of the Food Bank of WNY. "We hope people from throughout Western New York will come downtown during that time to enjoy some wonderful music while helping a great cause of feeding our hungry neighbors, especially the children and seniors. There will be a Food Bank truck on site throughout the 25 hours."
"The Buffalo Music Hall of Fame is happy to be involved in such a wonderful event that will bring awareness and food for people in need. This concert will feature Inductees and Veterans of The Hall of Fame and is a great use of music as the social vehicle that will bring the community together.", said Anthony Casuccio, Vice President, The Buffalo Music Hall Of Fame.
Tunes4food is an historic event where everyone can help regardless of financial status or time constraints. It is 25 hours straight beginning on Monday, June 22 at 12 noon continuous through the night until Tuesday, June 23rd at 1pm. This is a chance to give back, to help create positive change, and to model a direct plan of action for other communities and the world. In Western New York, we are most certainly the City of Good Neighbors. Distinguish yourself from the crowd. Make a difference.
Alliance Leaders:
Buffalo Music Hall of Fame
Susan Marie
New York USA 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Buffalo Select Chorus: Babeville: June 3, 2009
Directed by Linda Appleby, Buffalo Select Chorus has been performing since 2005 for diverse Western New York audiences. The Chorus consists of Buffalo Public School students specializing in: gospel, jazz, classical, blues, baroque, chamber music and contemporary.
Linda Appleby, awarded "Linda Appleby Day" by City of Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown at the 2008 performance, is immensely dedicated to her students. Her vision began as having a dynamic chorus of students from all of the Buffalo Public High Schools to perform a mixed repertoire of music to provide professional recordings for the students college applications. She has gone far and beyond that vision with 4 CD's produced as of 2009. Linda has given the students opportunity to expand their vocal skills with certified music teachers and professional musicians.
This years special guest is Joseph Wooten, "The Hands of Soul." Wooten is the fourth brother of the quintet "The Wooten Brothers". He began organ at six and grew up playing music and opening for the likes of Curtis Mayfield, War and Stephanie Mills. Currently he tours with The Steve Miller Band, and his brother Victor Wooten.
Buffalo Select Chorus can be heard rehearsing at Babeville HERE: and HERE also, The 2008 International Youth For Human Rights Awards Ceremony HERE.
To contact Linda Appleby and purchase their music click HERE. Attend their 4th Annual Concert at Asbury Hall on June 3rd to witness the talent of our High School students. This is FREE and open to the public. Buffalo Select Chorus are undoubtedly, the most gifted teenagers I have come across.
© Susan Marie
New York USA
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Noa Bursie: Familiar Addiction (NY)
"Familiar Addiction" features a cavalcade of fine musicians: Jerry Livingston, John Bacon, Jr, Wendell Rivera, Ron LoCurto, Frank Grizanti, Emile Latimer, Mary Ramsey, Paul Kneis, Ken Kaufmann, Jim Whitford, Kevin Hall, Jim Bohm and Sparky (the Tibetan Monk chant on the track, "Familiar Addiction.")
"Faith Fiction", showcases Noa's gift as a lyricist within the chorus: "Grace and favor, faith and fiction, it all comes down to mercy. Mercy, mercy . . . .sweet mercy. Grant me the will to believe. Unlock this prison let me feel the faith of my fathers and . . . I will fall down on my knees, speak to me in the language of redemption, I shall be free."
"Letting go now . . . made up my mind", finds Bursie, beautifully haunting vocals, embracing the past while standing in the present. "Weightless" is one of those tunes you drive to and play over again.
"Altitudes" is a masterpiece. The guitars, all around, are impeccable, beyond perfection, as well as Noa's vocals. "Falling, falling, falling, you'd think we'd understand our plight. We're all just fools in flight, steady losing altitude, and not saving another soul in sight, but were flying still." "Altitudes" has that bluesy, brassy flavor of Hendrix and Joplin.
This album is spirit. It is passion, intellect, hurt, pain, growth, tears, smiles, and above all, the finest collaborations recorded in a long time. Noa can be reached at: MySpace and Her Website.
Bursie writes: "Each one [musician] inspired me to "rise the bar" for myself. What you hear is the sheer magic of these magnificent individuals giving their all in what was for us, and I hope will be for you, a truly spiritual experience." "Familiar Addiction" is "the result of creative energy at its peak and it is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence and the passion that drives it."
New York USA 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Buffalo Marathon for Cantor Susan Wehle: Flight 3407
Parker would like all pledges for his run to be sent to Temple Sinai, in memory of Susan Wehle. All funds will go to the "Etz Chayim" Torah Restoration Fund.
Cantor Susan Wehle loved her Judaism and the restoration of a Torah is a very appropriate way in which to honor her memory. Parker is an experienced marathon runner.
He has made this effort a focus of his life right now, and even posted his cause on "Facebook", urging the general public to contribute to this endeavor. As of this writing, 270 individuals and groups have pledged to support Parker in his run to remember Susan, including The Counseling Center of WNY and Terrie's Workout Center.
Here is the Cause on Facebook:
Those who wish to support Parker and honor Susan Wehle, can send their pledges to Temple Sinai, at 50 Alberta Drive, Amherst, NY 14226, c/o the "Etz Chayim Torah Fund".
It is requested that checks be made out to Temple Sinai, and that a note be attached indicating that this is to support Parker Gevirtzman's Marathon. Questions can be directed to Temple Sinai at 834-0708. All donations are tax deductable.
"Susan had an amazing spirit, which will be remembered always", says Parker. He intends to make her memory for a blessing.
Public Relations
New York USA
Monday, May 4, 2009
NOMAD Literary/Art Magazine: Print Release Thursday May 14 at Merge

NOMAD, Buffalo's Newest Art & Literary Magazine will be holding its debut release on May 14th at Merge Restaurant, 439 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo NY at 7pm. Editor of Nomad Magazine, Erica Eichelkraut, accepted works and pieces from Buffalo artists to display in the first issue. An online version will feature ad space, sponsorships and artist information after the print release on Thursday. The magazine itself will be distributed at Merge Restaurant. Erica invited local artists to read and perform during the event, along with artwork to be displayed throughout the evening.
First print artists include, yet are not limited to: Alejandro Guitierrez, Chuck Tingley, Scotty Bye Suzanne Kashuba, Geraldine Liquidano, Matthew Crane, Ian Belknap, Katherine Sehr, Drew Morrison, Jill McCracken, Alexander Brunner, Patrick Willet, Iris Kirkwood, David Kowlacyzk, Josh Smith, Kimberly Collignon, Peter Vullo, Dave Tarsa, Luke Copping, David Anthony Kafer, Oliver Morse, Matthew Buckley, Aliza Forlenza, Joyce Hill, Charles Bachman, Gregory Hayes, Don Scheller, Mary A. Johnson, Len Kagelmacher, Charlene Howard, Jim Cookfair, Daniel Predmore, David Pierro, Dan C. , Brian Nesline, Chris McGee, Mary Ellen Adragna Bossert, M. E. Gentile, Lisa H. , Ashley Smith, and Ryan McGhee.
On May 14, 2009, Merge Restaurant will host NOMAD Magazine. Through determination, vision and persistence on behalf of Editor, Erica Eichelkraut combined with the generosity of local artists, organizations and business; Buffalo will celebrate a rebirth through the eyes of our artists.
For information on sponsorship, ad space, interviews and publication opportunities, contact: Erica Eichelkraut, Editor, NOMAD Magazine: NOMADbuffalo@gmail.com and visit online at: NOMAD
Monday, April 27, 2009
Buffalo Premiere of the Award Winning film "Poundcake"
Set in Buffalo during the late 80's, the film focuses on a rare evening spent gathering friends and family (eclectic in nature) of the main characters (Cliff and Carol), to make a devastating announcement after thirty years of marriage on Thanksgiving. Unsuspecting, everyone is then invited to an area Chinese restaurant, (The Golden Buddha), for their last "civilized" meal together.
To find out more about this screening and to purchase tickets, visit The Buffalo Niagara Film Festival.
The film is about an hour and forty minutes, made in the United States, filmed in Buffalo, NY, written by one of Buffalo's artists. The Market Arcade Film and Arts Centre is an avid supporter of film premieres in downtown's theatre district. Grab tickets online, enjoy the twisting plot and support the progression of film in Buffalo and the visionaries that created, "Poundcake."
Susan Marie
Public Relations
New York USA
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Elizabeth Mariani: imaginary poems for my imaginary girlfriend named anabel
The highlight of this volume can be found on page 25 where Elizabeth describes her focus for this entry: "tatiana: the siberian tiger who escaped from her open air cage in the san francisco zoo on December 25, 2007. she killed one human and injured two others. this is a story about tatiana and anabel, my imaginary girlfriend."
Elizabeth writes: "anabel and tatiana / made a pact / anabel said / to tatiana /over air and space / energy wind / and friend face / the bosom buddies / of different species / made a blood red saffron pulse / of a jugular country road pothole / slow down for the turn pact."
In this piece, Ms. Mariani manages to bring the the tiger (tatiana) caged then escaped, joined by an imaginary girlfriend, (anabel), together into their own realm. There is a melding of similarity between different species, that can be compared to present culture. The two embark on a private journey, away from media that wishes to cover the story of the tiger who has killed, away from the police and the reporters, into a childlike dream state existing purely for tatiana and anabel.
Tatiana and anabel escape into a reality of their choosing, one most of us recognize, to view the world through the eyes of a child and an animal. Through metaphor, this text causes one to understand why the tiger escaped, why the animal should not be caged and why this girlfriend, although imaginary, likens to the tiger. Tatiana too, feels outcast, as the tiger, blamed for its instinct, judged for being an animal. Caged as humans often are, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually; this piece focuses on the world today. The need to regain self and to look within and beyond the paparazzi that so often muddles the truth.
This is apparent in the lines: "how could it be / said lawyer a to lawyer b / that zoo animals / insist on being free / how can it be / said reporter a to reporter c / that reporter b / is too scared to write / what he sees." Elizabeth continues: "and tigers reaching / for natural terrain / reject the notoriety / and the fame / of the living / of the living mammal / caged for cuteness."
Elizabeth Mariani is an avid supporter of Human and Civil Rights, The Environment and Art in every genre. Her volume of poetry speaks of her own experience, told through the vision of a woman. Elizabeth's website can be seen at: www.lizmariani.com and she is available for speaking engagements. There are extensive links to publications, radio, websites and many of her fine accomplishments listed.
Ms. Mariani has been featured in publications such as: Hammered Out (Hamilton, ON), The Buffalo Forum, Artvoice Magazine, and Njozi Magazine. She has had various speaking engagements highlighting: The International Dub Poetry Festival, (Toronto, ON) , Hamilton Public Library, (ON, CA), Jamaican Dub Poetry Collective, (ON, CA), Women's Studies Dept, (University at Buffalo), Underground Railroad Celebration, (Niagara University), Women's History Month Celebration, (Erie Community College), and A Celebration of Black History Month, (Erie Community College.)
To purchase this volume: www.lizmariani.com/book.htm, or visit Rust Belt Books, 202 Allen St., Buffalo, NY 14201, www.lulu.com and http://www.myspace.com/transitisamindstate.
This review is featured in Target Audience Magazine HERE and HERE.
Susan Marie
Public Relations
New York USA 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Dining Out For Abruzzo: Italian Earthquake Fund
For Immediate Release: (Buffalo, NY) - Peter Longo, President of The Western New York Chapter of Restaurant Association, in conjunction with Dennis Di Paolo of Ilio Di Paolo's Restaurant, and Italy's Honorary Buffalo Vice Consul, Lucia Caracci Cullens, announce a press conference to be held on Monday, April 20, 2009 at Ilio Di Paolo's Restaurant, 3785 South Park Avenue, Blasdell, NY at 3:30pm.
The conference will announce the local food service response, "Dining Out For Abruzzo", to support the victims and families from the recent earthquake in the region of Abruzzi, Italy. This region is the ancestral birthplace of numerous members of Western New York's food service community and the legendary Italian wrestler and restaurateur, Ilio Di Paolo. On April 25, 2009 at St. Anthony's Church in Buffalo, there will be a memorial service to be announced.
The Western New York Community has established itself with numerous people of Italian descent and operators of pasta and pizza houses throughout Western New York. ALL food service establishments are invited to participate in this endeavor. A portion of receipts are asking to be donated in support of "The Italian Earthquake Fund" on dinners purchased by the general public on the evening of Thursday May 7, 2009.
On April 20, at Ilio Di Paolo's, food service professionals will join the principals. As is the Italian way, there will be food and drink.
Susan Marie
Public Relations
New York USA 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Music is Art Fundraiser: The Irish Center
Music is Art is a not for profit 501c3 organization founded in 2004 by Goo Goo Dolls bassist and Buffalo native Robby Takac. Music is Art operates through a board of directors, staff, partner organizations, sponsors, and various volunteers. This organization enlightens and ignites a personal connection to the artistic merit and acceptance of all forms of music. Music is Art explores and reshapes music’s cultural, social, and educational impact on our community.
Type Relevant is a powerhouse trio that impresses a wide range of crowds with a blend of jazz, funk, blues, and hip-hop. Formed in 1999 featuring Brian Herlihy (Relevant) on bass, guitars, and vocals, along with John Hunter (TypeNice) on drums, their first shows were in 2000 in South Buffalo and Downtown Buffalo. The band acquired a wealth of local and regional support. As their unique sound blossomed, so did their networking skills and community activity. As a result, Type Relevant is well known for both their musical and promotional abilities.
The Buffalo Irish Center is home to over a dozen not for profit organizations promoting various aspects of culture. The Center has become one of the richest cultural and ethnic centers in Western New York. It is designed to enable the community a common space where cultural interest can be fostered. For more information: 716-825-9535.
Tickets are $20 pre sale $25 door and includes beer and pizza (provided by Imperial Pizza 1035 Abbott Road) with raffles, door prizes and 50/50 split throughout the evening. To sponsor this event, donate your time as a volunteer, sell or buy tickets please contact Brian Herlihy at: 716-563-3078 or typerelevant@gmail.com
On May 8, get to The Irish Center, support the future of music, organizations and community. Music Is Art is a leader in benefiting the progression of music education ranging from providing instruments to children to consistent outlets for local musicians to entertain.
Public Relations
New York USA 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tom Bolton: When I Cross The River (Australia)
Tom Bolton has been a lyricist for over thirty years and it is apparent on this compilation.
"when I cross the river" features: Tom Bolton: acoustic guitar and vocals, Richard Grace: double bass, and Jeremy P. Martin: "a whole bunch of stuff." This double disc is a journey into folk tradition laden with rock and roll, poetry, acoustics, and harmonics.
The title track, "when I cross the river" is a heartfelt rendering that can easily be applied to love, spirituality and awakening seen in the lyrics: " You came searching for me - I called You - Your voice lifted my eyes . . ." and also in the ballad, "three hearts", "Three hearts that I have seen . . . that's three times blessed that I have been."
The song, "hey, you, yeah you" is reminiscent of the 50' s beat generation poetically. Musically, it brings you back to the 70's when rock operas were birthed. The difference here is Tom adds a folk acoustic style to the mix that is raw and fresh.
Tom has been performing for over eight years in Australia, has had airplay on independent and college radio stations across the United States and Canada. This CD is a direct result of experience, talent and perseverance. The diversity of guitars embodies folk, rock, orchestra and harmony. Lyrically, this is a poetic masterpiece.
Tom Bolton can be reached at his website: http://www.sensibletom.com, and on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/
To purchase the CD: http://cdbaby.com/cd/tombolton or view his online press kit for booking: http://www.sonicbids.com/epk/
This CD is a masterpiece. It is orchestra, folk, rock, opera, poetry, harmony, humor, beat and most importantly, it is everything a fine musician and lyricist strives for when making music.