On February 14th, 2010 at Nietzsche's 248 Allen Street downtown Buffalo from 2pm - 11pm, we are Bunnying-Up on Valentine's Day to celebrate the beautiful life of our fabulous friend, Gabrielle Bouliane. This fundraising party will be the perfect way to honor L*O*V*E, Gabby style!
Gabrielle left this world end of January 2010 due to a rare form of cancer. This benefit is a celebration of her life. Gabrielle was a forerunner in supporting the arts, music and literary scene in Buffalo and WNY, bringing National and Global exposure to artists, musicians and this fine city. Gabrielle was a filmmaker, poet, writer, began the Nickel City Poetry Slam and covered many local and national musicians. All funds from Feb 14, will go directly to Gabrielle's family. A new fund will be announced in Gabrielle's honor to assist an emerging leader in cancer survival or one wishing to pursue the field of arts.
Musicians donating their time include: The Irving Klaws, Blue Rocket Trio, The Steam Donkeys, Geno McManus, Joe Rozler, John Lombardo, Shaky Stage, Emile Latimer, Noa Bursie, Kilissa Cissoko, John & Mary (John Lombardo and Mary Ramsey of 10,000 Maniacs), and a special appearance by Scott Carpenter and Fleuron Rouge Bellydance Troupe and more TBA. Poetry by: Patricia Smith, Rachel McKibbens, Jacob Rakovan and more TBA.
The donation is a minimum of $5 (at the door) - to $100, as much as you are able to give. We need to be together in tribute to the joy and love that was Gabby's spirit. If there were not music, dancing, drinking, kissing, poetry and smiling, then we would not be honoring Gabrielle respectfully.
Gabrielle was a supernova and loved by all that knew her. Her last public performance was in Austin Texas at the Austin Poetry Slam. View her performance on You Tube, "Gabrielle Bouliane: Austin Poetry Slam", filmed by Eirik Ott and the Feb 14 event is on facebook. Just search: Bunny Up For Gabrielle.
To volunteer or be a part of the festivities, please contact Rachel, Molly or Colleen at: bunnyupforgabrielle@gmail.com, if you are unable to attend yet still wish to donate to the fund and her family or you are out of state; do this via PayPal at the email above.
Celebrate the life of one extremely selfless woman who never gave a second thought about celebrating each and every one of us. In the very least we owe her no less than what she has coordinated in the past which is one of the biggest parties we can muster - Buffalo style.
Donate, attend, volunteer and contact Molly, Rachel and Colleen above. Most importantly, share her work, keep her dreams in motion, and live your own dream now, not tomorrow or ten years from now, but right this minute. Life is far too short too waste. Gabrielle would have loved that.
Please pass this on to anyone who may like to attend, it is open to everyone.
LIVE audio Austin Poetry Slam (with 35 call in messages)
LIVE show Gabrielle Bouliane
© Indie Feed - Mongo 2009
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Gabrielle left this world end of January 2010 due to a rare form of cancer. This benefit is a celebration of her life. Gabrielle was a forerunner in supporting the arts, music and literary scene in Buffalo and WNY, bringing National and Global exposure to artists, musicians and this fine city. Gabrielle was a filmmaker, poet, writer, began the Nickel City Poetry Slam and covered many local and national musicians. All funds from Feb 14, will go directly to Gabrielle's family. A new fund will be announced in Gabrielle's honor to assist an emerging leader in cancer survival or one wishing to pursue the field of arts.
Musicians donating their time include: The Irving Klaws, Blue Rocket Trio, The Steam Donkeys, Geno McManus, Joe Rozler, John Lombardo, Shaky Stage, Emile Latimer, Noa Bursie, Kilissa Cissoko, John & Mary (John Lombardo and Mary Ramsey of 10,000 Maniacs), and a special appearance by Scott Carpenter and Fleuron Rouge Bellydance Troupe and more TBA. Poetry by: Patricia Smith, Rachel McKibbens, Jacob Rakovan and more TBA.
The donation is a minimum of $5 (at the door) - to $100, as much as you are able to give. We need to be together in tribute to the joy and love that was Gabby's spirit. If there were not music, dancing, drinking, kissing, poetry and smiling, then we would not be honoring Gabrielle respectfully.
Gabrielle was a supernova and loved by all that knew her. Her last public performance was in Austin Texas at the Austin Poetry Slam. View her performance on You Tube, "Gabrielle Bouliane: Austin Poetry Slam", filmed by Eirik Ott and the Feb 14 event is on facebook. Just search: Bunny Up For Gabrielle.
To volunteer or be a part of the festivities, please contact Rachel, Molly or Colleen at: bunnyupforgabrielle@gmail.com, if you are unable to attend yet still wish to donate to the fund and her family or you are out of state; do this via PayPal at the email above.
Celebrate the life of one extremely selfless woman who never gave a second thought about celebrating each and every one of us. In the very least we owe her no less than what she has coordinated in the past which is one of the biggest parties we can muster - Buffalo style.
Donate, attend, volunteer and contact Molly, Rachel and Colleen above. Most importantly, share her work, keep her dreams in motion, and live your own dream now, not tomorrow or ten years from now, but right this minute. Life is far too short too waste. Gabrielle would have loved that.
Please pass this on to anyone who may like to attend, it is open to everyone.
LIVE audio Austin Poetry Slam (with 35 call in messages)
LIVE show Gabrielle Bouliane
© Indie Feed - Mongo 2009
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Nickel City Poetry Slam 2007 © Rose Salley Albright Knox