
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

#23 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Anxiety? Mood Disorder, Awakening, Physical Response, Tips, Treatment & GAD-7 Screening)

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-15 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".
Episode #23 covers anxiety as a mood disorder, as an awakening, with physical response, deep relaxation breathing, tips, triggers, how to get help, destigmatization and & GAD-7 Screening.

Listen here:


Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 Screening (GAD-7): 

Deep Breathing Exercises to Reduce Anxiety: 

Video: 3 Deep Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress & Anxiety:
Depersonalization: This Common Anxiety Symptom Makes Me Feel Like Reality Is Slipping Away:
Therapy for Anxiety Disorders:

Finding Help:


Susan Marie

Friday, September 13, 2019

#22 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (What is an Empath? (Meaning, Self-Care & Self-Test)

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #22 covers what an empath is, the differences between empathy, sympathy, understanding the empath, understanding if you are an empath, emotional intelligence, compassion fatigue, and ways to ground, center and protect your energy and emotions to avoid compassion fatigue in order to utilize your sensitivity for an ultimate purpose.


17 Survival Tips For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People

AEA Coping Tips for Empaths
17 types of Empaths recognized by the AEA

Empaths Guide to Shielding and Energy by Doreen Virtue

Dr. Judith Orloff’s Protection Strategies for Empaths 

What Is an Empath? by the AEA

Chopra Center Free 21 Day Meditation


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

#21 The Human Condition with Susan Marie (Hitting Rock Bottom)

Listen here:

The Human Condition is a weekly 10-12 minute audio series featuring me, you and a conversation about everyday experiences, made simple.

The human condition is defined as "the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality".

Episode #21 covers the predicament of the human condition, hitting rock bottom, emotionally, 
mentally, spiritually, physically, recognizing that you have hit rock bottom and what that signifies, as well as my own personal experience with rock bottom.


7 “Rock-Bottom” Myths and the Truth Behind Them:…ruths-behind-them/

Do I Have to Hit Rock Bottom Before I Get Help?:

5 Reasons Why Hitting Rock Bottom Can Change Your Life for Better:…better-1c29c8168564

10 Things To Remember When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom:…-hit-rock-bottom

How to Find Your Bliss: Joseph Campbell on What It Takes to Have a Fulfilling Life:…power-of-myth/


Susan Marie