
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Firewall Looming in Pakistan: URL Filtering and Blocking

First published: 

By March of 2012, The Pakistani Telecommunication Authority (PTA), may have succeeded in deployment of an Internet URL Filtering and Blocking system unless we, global citizens, along with the people of Pakistan, help prevent this from occurring.

As people become more aware and active globally, governments have begun to attempt to increase online censorship. Online censorship or filtering can be seen as justifiable when it may involve harmful content to children in educational systems, however, to censor or filter Internet usage in any fashion to adults, is in direct violation of constitutions and amendments that exist, against 14 of 30 Universal Human Rights, and the Constitution of Pakistan, as seen in the preamble alone.

America, with help from worldwide activists, citizens, businesses and Internet networks, fought back against two proposed bills SOPA [Stop Online Piracy Act] and PIPA [Protect IP Act] through petitions, calling state and government legislation, with businesses and online networks blacking out their websites in protest. 

Internet censorship is the control or suppression of the publishing of, or access to information on the Internet. 

The PTA is asking institutions [business, organizations, education, communication, media, etc] to submit a proposal allowing the PTA to block URL's [universal resource locaters] aligned with The National RCT & RD Fund

THE RCT states the URL blocking will
"Transform Pakistan’s economy into a knowledge based economy by promoting efficient, sustainable and effective ICT initiatives through synergic development of industrial and academic resources."

This is not the first time Pakistan has experienced online censorship in the current Federal Parliamentary System [Executive branch with support of legislation] however, with help, it can very well be the last. 

On 24/7OnlineTV, broadcast journalist, Faisal Kapadia speaks with Sana Saleem, activist/journalist and Yusra Askari, correspondent with NDTV in Part One of "Out of Bounds" on the Firewall Looming in Pakistan. All three explain and address how the government has invited proposals to private and semi-private companies to block 5 to 10 million URLS.

Why is the government doing this?

In Part Two of "Out of Bounds", Faisal addresses the online community for reaction inside and out of Pakistan as to how this issue is viewed using varied comments from activists, journalists and citizens.

In May of 2011, The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights General Assembly in Article A/HRC/17/27 focused on freedom to access online content, access to the physical and technical infrastructure online, the increase in censoring information online, namely through arbitrary blocking or filtering of content, and criminalization of legitimate expression as human rights abuses under the right to freedom of expression and opinion.

Universal access to the Internet is not only freedom of expression and opinion as a human right, it is part of the Constitution of Pakistan. Blocking of URLS will hamper international business inside and out of Pakistan, as well as further damaging the cross border communications already in dire need of repair between people.

Business owners may not be able to promote their services, as well as global access to each business. Media will be hampered immensely due to not being able to access the global online network in order to tell the world what is occurring in Pakistan. Global aid for disaster relief, disease, hunger and medical care will not be able to reach those in need. The world will continue to operate as usual, however, to assume according to the RCT statement aligned with the Government of Pakistan that this filtering is solely to enhance the economy and education of Pakistan is preposterous at most.

On the
US State Website after a 2010 visit to China, where the government controls the Internet, President Obama held a meeting with an online component to highlight the importance of the Internet. He defended the right of people to freely access information, and said that the more freely information flows, the stronger societies become. Obama spoke about how access to information helps citizens hold their own governments accountable, generates new ideas, encourages creativity and entrepreneurship.

In 2011, SOPA and PIPA were introduced to the American public.

Condemnations of this action, along with information regarding this initiative have already begun by: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, The Civil Society Against Blanket Ban of the Internet and Freedom House.Org. 

Censorship, in any form, is to silence.

Friday, February 17, 2012

PT II: What is Occupy? OWS Visits OccupyBuffalo [Live Audio]

First published in: 

Think Twice Radio [Buffalo, audio] 

“There need be no blood-shed or violence, and there shall be none unless it be forced upon the national authority. The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.”  

– Abraham Lincoln Inaugural Address 1861, prior to The Civil War.

February 2012: Occupy Wall Street NYC visits Occupy Buffalo. The following interviews educate one on “What is Occupy?” from various perspectives of four people continuously active within “Occupy.”  Through their experience, education, and advocacy; Occupy can be seen not only as a “movement”, but as global transformation.

OWS arriving in Buffalo © Brian Pickard 2012

Robert Albini and Logan Noonan discuss: The True Face of Media, Social Order, Stepping Out of Comfort Zones, Lack of Government Representation, Moving Forward as a Species, Steps to a Well Informed Population, and Class Division.

Heron E. Simmonds – Price speaking of What is Occupy? What an Occupation is and why, Direct Action, Advocacy, Global Engagement, and Suitable Time Frame for Social Change.

Linda Abrams speaks of: The School of Everything, Social Disease and Indoctrination, Justice Dialogues, Non Violent Communication, Specialization, The Activist Toolbox, and The Banking Model of the Educational System.


Occupy Together is a grassroots website to aid in self-organization. It began when two designers and artists watched news feeds and information reported on Facebook, Twitter, and live feeds online, wishing to bring greater awareness to events they witnessed. The purpose was to provide people with information. After a website was created, Occupy Together became a tool for people to research  the events, protests and demonstrations across the globe. The birth of Occupy Together began due to citizens taking action against corporate greed and corruption. OT has grown into a valuable tool for all people who desire change. Occupy Together stands in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement.


Occupy Wall Street began on September 17, 2011 as a people-powered initiative in Liberty Square, Manhattan’s [New York City] Financial District. This movement spread to over 100 cities in the U.S and over 1,500 cities globally. Occupy Wall Street speaks against the prolonged destructive powers of banks and corporations through a true democratic process. The need for OWS began due to economic collapse that caused immense recession. This movement aims to take the richest 1% of people and hold them accountable for creating an unjust global economy. The 99% is a symbol for all people affected by an unfair economy. 

OWS is inspired by the revolts in Egypt and Tunisia.

Occupy Wall Street embodies:

 "This is as grassroots as it gets.” – Occupy Wall Street

Saturday, February 4, 2012

OWS: Occupy Buffalo Eviction

First published: 

WeSpeakNews: India 

On February 2, 2012, OccupyBuffalo was forcefully evicted from Niagara Square in Buffalo, New York after peacefully occupying since October of 2011. 

This eviction was a result of a disagreement between OccupyBuffalo and the
City of Buffalo.

Originally, the City offered to extend a prior approved joint agreement from 2011 to occupy until March 8th, 2012. OccupyBuffalo wanted the agreement to run until the end of March in order to find another location and to serve the needs of the community. 

Occupiers had until Wednesday [Feb 2] night as a deadline to leave, after 4 months of peaceful occupation. The occupation wished to further discuss this with the city. OccupyBuffalo denied the sudden and unexplained choice by the city to vacate dependent upon the cities actions to not renew the prior contract until end of March.

The First Amendment of the Constitution provides for 'the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'"

That is exactly what
OccupyBuffalo did. That is not what occurred.

The permit to stay [that need not be obtained under the First Amendment yet was] in the square expired at midnight. Crews [Buffalo Police Department, bulldozers, dump trucks, and the SWAT team in riot gear] moved in to dismantle all structures in Niagara Square. 

The City and OccupyBuffalo have always worked together. 

This is a model occupation.

The raid occurred around 2:30am Thursday. 10 were arrested. All equipment, save for one or two items, were destroyed.  I watched live on Ustream in abject horror. 

I thought: I cannot believe this is occurring in my city.

This abuse of power was an immense shock as witnessed on Ustream by BootsofSolidarity because it occurred when people were sleeping. Peaceful resistance technique was again taught [on video] by a seasoned community leader when the raid began. It is heard on the stream: "The Buffalo Police Department said they will not destroy anything." 

Occupiers were also educated on possible arrest, meaning if they did not wish to take a chance, then to go across the street and for those that chose to exercise their legal, civil and human rights, then to stay put, peacefully.

There were no misunderstandings within the occupation.

SWAT Team members and Buffalo Police officers moved in on OccupyBuffalo with dump trucks, bulldozers and scooped the tents, equipment and all private and personal property into the dump trucks to be picked up at a "location" and sorted through.

Nearly everything was destroyed. This was not part of the agreement to vacate. Occupiers were simply told they may need to vacate. 

OccupyBuffalo has melded into a community of teach ins, education, free food for the hungry, information on war, diversity of all faith, government, politics and true democracy. 

Before this illegal raid, OccupyBuffalo was and is currently nominated for Top 20 out of 157 nominated occupations for a "community activist" award through FDL Action, coordinated by Jane Hamsher [HuffPost, Alternt, American Prospect, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and producer of Natural Born Killers.]

Mayor Brown told Channel 2 News there was nothing but positive discussions between the two parties and: "As part of their contract there is the potential for renewal, but again we are talking. The talks are going very well. There has been a very positive communication with the City's Law Department, special events division and the occupiers from the very beginning and we feel that this will go forward in a very positive fashion."

Buffalo Police Commissioner Daniel Derenda stated: "We did not anticipate violence but we prepared for the worst and hoped for the best."

When speaking to Channel 2 News, Mayor Brown said the peaceful protest in Buffalo has been a model for other protest movements around the county. He told a reporter "there is a chance the protesters will be allowed to stay."  

In court on Thursday morning [VIDEO HERE] the 10 arrested [that never needed to be] were charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing, yet dismissed with restrictions: no occupying in a 3 mile radius to Niagara Square. 

The City has offered an abandoned house, at this point, to the occupation.

Why was the house not offered before the raid and arrests? Before the destruction of private property? Is that any different than what government bodies and police forces blame occupiers for doing?  Destructing governmental and city property by occupying it?

OccupyWallStreet has recognized this violation, as well as the world.

OccupyBuffalo will continue with or without a place to occupy in order to continue to serve the community as they have been.

Gina Panzarella of Buffalo NY states quite clearly:
"We are not Radicals. We are a very creative, intelligent group of diverse individuals who are trying to make better lives for ourselves, our children, our families and our neighbors. We want to expose the corruption that has taken out the middle class while serving as many as we can for our community."