Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Published on MOGUL

Image © Mark Golding
Depths unknown
to all that travel my banks,
the lighthearted and weary,
righteous copulations of grace,
bent on knee, in prayer,
simultaneous, divine,
wild, unashamed.

I am, a river.

My waves rush, furious,
raging with disdain,
until the ebb and flow
settle softly,
joining tributaries
to rest precious feet.

Eons have waded
in my cool, jeweled streams,
unabashed, unapologetic.

Step with reverence, dear soul,
pure thirst is endless.

This is,

As thrushes depart,
from throats, parched,
releasing weights trapped
within abdomens and attics
of the windows to the soul.

Great holy supplications,
rise as smoke signals,
above bank lined forests of siltstone
that adorns each side of me,
settling upon cloudbursts
of moss covered rocks
and trunks of trees,
felled in battle.

Thunder, I am.
A Valkyric call to arms,
jolting awake souls,
eyes flutter once,
raindrops assail rooftops,
like arrowheads lain lost,
lulling mouths to speak,
words, deaf to ears.

Climb, dear one,
upon rise of new dawn,
for I am, a mountain.

I am treacherous.
Footholds are unsecured
and gravel is enemy,
yet trust, that I,
hold dear each heart.

The limbs of the arms
of my brothers and sisters,
shall help halfway,
rising from dirt,
with the setting sun,
until the top is conquered,
with soul
bare and sweating,
to all that is, fire,
I am.

My torch, a lighthouse
for the lost and found,
the barely breathing,
the beggar and thief,
the lover and unloved,
the bleeding hearts that suffer
when I rage out of control,
taking with me
all of the hurt
of humanity.

Vesuviant waves of forests,
like man taking man
with bullets, hot,
searing skin,
causing tears
to the bleeding hearts
that suffer
for their sanity.

I fill lungs with life, air.
Eternal conception rests, 
within my soft, sweet breeze
cooling brows,
beneath the unyielding force
of the great eye
of heaven.

I, urgently plodding,
grow in all seasons,
and travel time
that does not exist.
for I am, a root.

Arteries and veins
are pathways,
known only to those
that choose to see
that this world,
is but a photograph,

I am Nature,
dear one,

And in my wildness,
I am free.

And together,
we are


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Live From a Dojo: Reiki, Music, Healing, Laughter

Live from a Dojo after a Reiki treatment and guided meditation, with Ruben Zukowski, DJ, musician and Reiki Master, specializing in global fusion and sound healing. I speak of my experience this evening. 

This is a precious conversation that covers the basic tenements of Reiki, various healing modalities with a special focus on Ruben's musical talents.

We feature live bells, gongs and bowls that reverberated throughout the dojo.

Zuk is full of life and throughout this interview, we are laughing hysterically while speaking of deep spiritual truths, the power of thoughts, words, music, chakras, arts, and culture.

This interview was conducted during the early stages of both of our spiritual journeys. I will treasure this always.

Image © Ruben Zukowski - Grayn [grain] music

You can also listen HERE 

Please visit Unify Cosmos on Sound Healing HERE

[Holosync, Lifeflow, OmHarmonics – 3 Binaural Programs Reviewed.]


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Inside the Most Sacred Parts of Your Being.

On Mogul

Writing is breath to me, blood pumping to sustain life. It is the air I breathe, the food that provides my body with strength, the desire and passion that keeps my soul alive. Writing is letting go and rebirth. It is release. 

Writing is healing.

Writing is a positive force and I am grateful I am able to write without fear of ridicule of what anyone perceives about the subject matter of my writing. In order to truly write, you must bare your soul to the world, allowing the public inside your heart, soul, mind and the most sacred parts of your being.

This is an immensely brave act.

Every writer knows that their secrets, desires, dreams, loves and letting go, can be found in their own writing.

Get it all down first, free form flowing thought, anger, sadness, happiness, love, every emotion you feel, every thought you think. 

Editing is for later. 

If you cease to document those very first moments the need to write strikes, you will lose what is instinctual and natural as a writer. 

So leave your pages bloody.

Leave them ripe with sweat, hard work, love, pain, grief, loss, light, warmth, enlightenment, rebirth, rain, fire, ice, ashes, matches, gasoline and lastly, most integral, life. Leave the pages of your mind drenched with the ink of the breath of every solitary subconscious thought.
Make sure your words set fire to cities and nations, to hearts and minds, to the very core of every human spirit who is paying attention. Make sure your words seep into the skin of the reader, leaving trace minerals that sustain the ailing human shell.

 The main purpose of writing is to make a point.

Your words must imprint the reader so deeply that they begin to create and form different thoughts; quite possibly, they may start to see, if they already do not, this crazy, beautiful, lovely mess of a planet we exist on with new sight. Anything less is selling your own precious soul. 

You experienced all of that love, loss, pain, grief and bliss for a greater purpose:   

To leave your pages bloody.

Look around you. What do you see? What are you ignoring? What are you grateful for? Use all six senses, and ones you do not know exist, and tell me, what do you hear?  

Try it. Then write about it.

To take the meat out of writing, the lymphatic fluid, the millions of veins, arteries and capillaries selflessly pumping oxygen and blood that berths within the lungs, to the heart of the artist, is quite simply, utter and irreversible, literary death.

Make them pay attention.

Set fire to the soul.

Anything less is an abomination to creation.